Friday, February 8, 2008

Ashley Cowan

National: Romney releases free trade proposal In Des Moines, Iowa, republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney says Washington must act to open more foreign markets to American products, and calls for the president to have new authority to negotiate such agreements. Romney also wants what he calls a "Reagan Zone of Economic Freedom" that would include U.S. free-trade agreement partners who are committed to open markets and "playing by the rules."


Well I don't really know much about politics and foreign trade. However, Reading Romney's article made me agree with him. I agree that the U.S. should have a more open trade policy. It would probably be very beneficial to us in bringing new things over here.

International: Army short on combat supply help

According to a new report obtained by The Associated Press the Army does not have enough personnel or training to adequately supply its soldiers in combat, and it needs and additional 2,000 military and civilian personnel with the authority to sign and manage contracts. The 106-page report, titled "Urgent Reform Required," says that the Army has seen a 600 percent increase in workload and is dealing with more complex contracts, yet staffing has consistently declined or remained stagnant since 1990.


Reading this is like red flags for me. I really hope that we get our boys out of there before we have none left. That's one of the main reasons I am so excited that we get a new president, because I'm almost positive that it is going to be a democrat, and I am sure that they will bring us out of Iraq.

National: Edwards endorses

In Concord, New Hampshire, Democratic presidential hopeful John Edwards on Wednesday accepted the endorsement of the New Hampshire Service Employees International Union amid questions about the validity of the vote. According to those involved, the union's board voted Oct. 23 to endorse Sen. Barack Obama. Union president Gary Smith promptly called Obama with the news.


Well isn’t this just pleasant. I happen to like both of these men. I truly believe that with the right people backing him up and a strong campaign manager, that Barack Obama has a really good chance of becoming president. I am also happy to hear that Edwards is supporting him in the race.

International: Hundreds of Afghan villagers flee amid violence

In Arghandab, Afghanistan, Afghan civilians piled belongings onto trucks Wednesday and fled two villages infiltrated by hundreds of Taliban militants outside Afghanistan's second largest city. U.S., Canadian and Afghan troops had about 250 of the insurgents surrounded.

Stories like these always make me sad because these people are constantly living in fear. Some Americans do not even care about these innocent people being killed, and it is simply because they have never been in situation such as these. I think we should all be more sympathetic towards these peoples' situation.

1 comment:

Michael Hjort said...

Are you agreeing with a Republican. Are you feeling ok.

Where should we deploy them to prevent attacks.