Friday, September 28, 2007

Kaylen May Gerkey


Russian Mother Has ‘Giant’ Baby

Tatyana Barabanova gave birth to a little baby girl last week weighing more than 17.5 lbs. Every one was in shock said the mother. The father stood there blinking, not saying a word. The mother’s previous babies weighed more than 11lbs said a reporter. All the mother ate prior to delivery was “potatoes, noodles, and tomatoes because they could not afford special foods” said the mother. Could that have been the cause of her babies weighing so much upon delivery?

I think it’s very interesting to hear these stories because it helps us learn more about babies. My main question is how did the baby get out of there without hurting the mother? A baby that big had to hurt immensely as it came out. I just find the story very fascinating because I know I did not even weigh half that when I was born and its just interesting to know babies can come out that big.


Bridge Collapse in Vietnam kills Scores

Once again there is another bridge collapse in the world. Wednesday in Vietnam (Hanoi) a bridge collapsed killing 60 and trapping 100. Vietnam TV caught the collapse on tape and said people were still trapped. A scaffolding of 100 men were working beneath the bridge as it collapsed. More than 100 are reported dead or missing. The immediate cause of the collapse was unknown but Vietnam TV said that prior rain may have softened the foundation causing it to collapse.

I don’t know what the world’s problem is with bridges but we need to get it fixed. I really feel bad for all the workers underneath, but I wonder, if they can conclude that the collapse may have been from rain, and then why when they began working underneath the bridge after the rain did they not think for a second that maybe it being wet could cause it to collapse? The main goal now is to find the missing and notify the family of the dead workers.


Adam Sandler Hopes to Help Gay Right

Sandler with “I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry” co-star Kevin James said he would like to work alongside the gay-rights groups. Sandler said “If I can help anybody in any way, I certainly would.” But Sandler does shy away from calling himself a potential gay icon. He is not gay and would not want to represent the gay community even if he was – he would not make a good one. He made a comment about the kiss shared between him and James in his film, “it wasn’t that bad; he was clean and seemed to brush his teeth and all that.” The two co-stars do not want to offend anybody but if they can help people they would love to do so

It just seems more and more people are becoming pro gay rights. It is sad because most of all it is against God’s Laws, not that that matters any more in the world today but it does to me. Homosexuality is wrong and more and more people that support it the better chance it has in becoming law or something or other. I liked Adam Sandler but stuff like this makes me not like him. Whether you are gay or not supporting gay rights is completely against what I believe and wrong and I can not appreciate those people or support what they do.


Supreme Court Spares Texas Killer

Less than two hours before his execution Carlton Turner Jr. was granted his stay of execution. The Supreme Court ruled to grant his stay. Turner’s attorney appealed to the high court hoping that its planned review of lethal injection procedures in Kentucky could keep him alive. Turner, at 19, shot his mother in father in the head repeatedly, bought new clothes and jewelry and continued to live in the home. Now the execution has been halted until a ruling on the Kentucky case is decided. Turner would have been the 27th inmate from Texas to be executed this year and the 2nd this week.

I believe in the death penalty and for someone like Turner why should he deserve another year to await execution? He brutally murdered his mother and father and had the guts to live in their house even after the fact. Even now he is not afraid of death so why not just get it over with. I just don’t understand why argue over this because the man is going to be executed no matter what, whether it’s now or ten years down the road. Why is this matter something worth fighting over? I guess it’s no big deal I just don’t like the fact that murderers like Turner who should die are still living and winning ridiculous cases like this. They deserve death and eternal punishment for what they have done.

1 comment:

Michael Hjort said...

You said it 17 lbs!!!

Bridges get old and sometimes we ignore them until they fall.

Its becoming normalized through the media and show business. You have to make the choice which movies and channels you watch based upon your opinion.

The only way he should have been granted a reprieve is new evidence being brought forward.