Monday, September 24, 2007

Kellye Harkey

The Columbia University President, Lee Bollinger, slammed President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Monday September 24 2007 when you brought to light that the Iranian President does not believe that the Holocaust happened, Public executions and the execution of minors. Mr. Bollinger was quoted as saying "Mahmoud exibits the signs of a petty and cruel leader". He cited the Iranian Government "brutal crackdown". Bollinger thought that the Iranian President would not show intellectual courage with the questions that were asked. The Iranian President quickly responded saying that people have the right to questions History and that they is not sufficient research of the Holocaust from diffrent perspectives. The Irianian President seemed irritated at the fact that Bollinger brought about these claims before the speech.

I think that Columbia University bringing this man to their school was the wrong thing to do. I think that it would have a negative effect on things and a postive though. The negative being that people hear what this man has to say and it probably wont be the best thing for people to hear and that puts him out there for the world to hear. The positive being people will see how crazy this guy is and how messed up he is in the head. Im glad that the President of Columbia University spoke out against this man and didnt sugar coat anything. Also I am happy that they didnt not let him set foot near ground zero because these people are friends with the enemy and if you are friends with the enemy that makes you our enemy. "We are two nations interconnected, Iran and Iraq, We are brothers and friends"- Mahmoud Amadinejad

Two Italian soliders were kidnapped in western Afghanistan over the weekend. The soldiers were freeded later in an operation NATO. They said they didnt know who the kidnappers were and if they were Taliban Militant or "Common Criminals"

This makes me extremely happy because this shows that we are not going to back down and that these men cannot bring us down. It would not suprise me at all if they kidnappers turned out to be Taliban Militant. These people hate anyone would is helping us or anyone who is even over there and is not one of them.

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